March 30, 2021

Readers' Advisory Matrix

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson

1. Where is the book on the narrative continuum?
 Highly narrative (reads like fiction)
 A mix (combines highly narrative moments with periods of fact-based prose)
Highly fact based (has few or no narrative moments)

2. What is the subject of the book? Social justice—the book discusses US criminal justice system and a lawyer's pursuit of compassion in American justice.

3. What type of book is it? A memoir in narrative form.

4. Articulate appeal
What is the pacing of the book? A measured pace. It reads quickly without rushing or crowding the storylines.

Describe the characters of the book. The life stories of the various inmates comprise the bulk of the work. The main characters are Walter McMillan, a man sentenced to death for a murder he did not commit, and Bryan Stevenson, a lawyer who defends the wrongly condemned.

How does the story feel? Even in its gruesome description of the conditions imposed on imprisoned individuals, the book keeps its inspiring and uplifting tone. However, it purposely is not warm or comfortable for the reader, disturbing enough to evoke emotion and cause action.

What is the intent of the author? To draw attention to the flaws of the criminal justice system (particularly for people of color) and call for an end to mass incarceration and capital punishment in America.

What is the focus of the story? The wild injustices endured by innocent people in the United States, often related to their class or race.

Does the language matter? No.

Is the setting important and well described? It is critical to the gravity of the work that the stories are set in modern-day America, particularly in the southern United States. Since the book focuses on the lawyer's efforts in courtrooms and prisons, the setting is only described to the degree that it allows the reader to empathize with the characters.

Are there details and, if so, of what? The details included in the work focus on the injustices suffered by innocent characters and the absurdity in the criminal justice system.

Are there sufficient charts or other graphic materials? Are they useful and clear? None.

Does the book stress moments of learning, understanding, or experience? All three: learning about injustices that the public is largely unaware of, understanding how race still plays an issue in America's criminal justice system today, and experiencing the failings of the system to provide justice and mercy, along with the subsequent frustration and impetus to effect change.

5. Why would a reader enjoy this book (rank appeal)?
1. Learning
2. Setting
3. Tone

March 24, 2021

eBooks and Audiobooks

In one of Shakespeare's most famous plays, Juliet cogitates on the question, "What's in a name?" before producing, "That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet" (Shakespeare, n.d., 2.2.46-47). Some 400 years later, most are in agreement with the young star-crossed lover, accepting that a rose's scent is independent of its name. However, things become more complicated when we turn our attention to literature format: does that which we call a book in any other format still read as sweet?

Even the simplest view into electronic and audiovisual resources in a library setting dredges up myriad concerns: licensing, copyright, whether devices are available to patrons or if they provide their own, the decision whether to have multiple versions of the same title in varying formats, and the ever-advancing march of technology. (Just think of cassette tapes and VHS.) However, I will focus on how format affects the experience of the reader, not the back-of-the-house library structure.

Most avid readers know the smell of an old book: a slightly musty, grassy smell that might have notes of vanilla in it. Scientists have isolated several compounds responsible for this smell (like byproducts of the degradation of woody molecule lignin), as reported by Mental Floss (Soniak, 2012). You can even buy a candle that smells like books -- go ahead, I'll wait here while you search Etsy for "book smell candle". Memory is linked to the sense of smell; Strlič explains, "Our sense of smell is very close to the memory center in the human brain, and therefore we very often associate memories with certain smells very powerfully and very strongly," continuing "smell plays such an important role in how we experience heritage" (as cited in Laliberte, 2020). In addition to smell, the binding of the book can contribute to the reading experience; for instance, the popularity of the mass market paperback format has led to ridicule and derision of the Romance genre over decades.

Besides the physical senses, other aspects of the reading experience are affected by the format of a book. An eBook, for example, doesn't give you that sense of thrill when you only have 50 pages left and the mystery is far from solved, so you stay up reading late into the night. (For those wondering, that was my experience with And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie in 5th or 6th grade.) As illustrated in this example, the pacing of a work is partially driven by the physical medium, as well as how much text is present on a page. Both of these factors transfer poorly to electronic media, and the pace is left to narrative drive alone. The physical layout of a page can also give hints to the work's tone: consider seeing a large block of text versus several short lines of dialogue. Without these visual cues, the reader may "tire of the story more quickly" (Dunneback & Trott, 2011, p. 4). Also, an electronic format makes it more difficult to skim back and re-read a passage, particularly if you aren't sure exactly where it was, which may result frustrating for readers of richly detailed works.

Selecting an audiobook also means sacrificing certain aspects of the work. Illustrations, maps, charts, and other images simply cannot be conveyed in an audio recording, and the very idea of an audio graphic novel is absurd. Some works also have structural issues that make an audio version difficult: consider how you would format an audiobook of the Choose Your Own Adventure series. (An ingenious solution, Neil Patrick Harris simply reads all the options in his similarly formatted book Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography, but he even mentions in the recording how the experience is diminished by the lack of photographs of his younger self.)

Despite these drawbacks, there are certain benefits that come from these expanded formats. Consider a patron with arthritis or another physical impairment who cannot hold a book for the amount of time required to read it. For them, electronic and audio formats become an issue of accessibility. Similarly, visually impaired patrons can often adjust the size of print in an eBook (or sidestep the issue by choosing an audio format). Further, certain formats can simply be more convenient for the reader, whether that's eBooks on a trip out of town or audiobooks during a morning commute. Truth be told, most of my reading comes while I'm driving back and forth from work. (Obviously, I choose an audio format to drive safely.)

Audiobooks in particular add a new dimension to a work, with voice quality, tone, and artistic delivery all impacting and (hopefully) enriching the literary experience. The mood of the book can be enhanced by the performer(s), whether that mood is comedic, engrossing, intense, or somber. The use of special effects, background music, or even a live audience can transform a work into a full show. Take a look at pages 30-34 of this brochure by NoveList about story elements for more examples of elements that may draw a reader to a particular audio recording.

Differing formats of books allow for different experiences, and these experiences appeal to different audiences. For some, print books present accessibility issues. For others, the trade-offs are worth the benefits. At the end of the day, reading is reading, whatever format you choose. A book in any other format has its own pluses and minuses, and readers should we aware of this fact. 

But the jury's still out on if it reads any sweeter; I guess that's a matter of taste.


Dunneback, K., & Trott, B. (2011). E-books and readers' advisory. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 50(4), 325-9. 

Laliberte, M. (2020, January 26). Science has figured out why you love the smell of old books. Reader's Digest. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from

Shakespeare, W. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet. J. Hylton (Ed.). MIT. (Original work published 1597)

Soniak, M. (2012, July 19). What causes "old book smell"? Mental Floss. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from

March 23, 2021

The Man Called Noon

The Man Called Noon
by Louis L'Amour
Bantam, 1969. 240 pages. Western

Settings: El Paso, Colorado, and New Mexico; presumably mid- to late-1800s.

Plot Summary: Waking up with no memory and an urgent sense of peril, a man knows someone wants him dead -- but not why. As he seeks answers, he seems to find only more questions and more people trying to hide the truth. When he finds a link that connects him to a trove of gold buried on Fan Davidge's ranch, he knows he must protect her from the no-good gunfighters trying to loot it. But the people who know all about him are trying to make sure this man with no past also has no future.

Subject Headings: Amnesia, gunfighters, treasure troves, female ranchers.

Elements of Westerns: (From Wyatt & Saricks, 2019, p. 151)

  • Ranges from traditional Old West stories to western-set Historical Fiction. Written by L'Amour and originally published in 1969, this work falls squarely in the domain of traditional Western stories about the Old West. 
  • Exterior descriptions of terrain: western U.S., usually between the Civil War and 1900 (often unspecified further than this). Although there is mention of a few specific towns like El Paso, Mesilla, Socorro, Alamosa, and Denver, the specifics of the setting aren't particularly relevant to the plot. The writing evokes an Old West backdrop, and it often describes the landscape "west of the Mississippi". The year is not specifically mentioned, but it seems to be the mid- to late-1800s based on discussions of settlements and the technological advances.
  • Traditionally, a loner hero who rights wrongs and then moves on. Our lone hero defends himself with his gunslinging and marksmanship. While he befriends Fan, Rimes, and Lebo, he largely works alone to defeat the villains. At the end of the novel, it is not clear if he truly "moves on," but he seems to remain with Fan on her ranch, which is a deviation from the typical elements of a Western.
  • Either complex or straightforward plots. While the plot of this work seems straightforward, the protagonist does learn more about his past, including his own name (Rubal Noon / Jonas Mandrin) and how he is connected to the hoard of gold. He also learns how Judge Niland is responsible for the death of his wife and child, which complicates the plot somewhat.
  • Often includes elegiac tone for days gone by. There is a sense of yearning for the days of yore when a man was as good as his word, and people treated each other fairly. This is reflected in the tone of the work, which is somewhat moody and mournful.
  • Pacing may be quick (traditional) or more measured. True to the form of traditional Westerns, this work is very quick-paced, with action in almost every chapter and plenty of excitement to keep the pages turning.
  • Spare, colorful, jargon-filled dialogue, with some lyrical landscape descriptionsMost of the characters do not engage in extended dialogue, and the use of cowboy slang (like "dun", "hand" and "sorrel") together with non-standard grammar and conventions helps to create the atmosphere of the Wild West. The work contains minor expletives like "damn" and "hell", which further add to the ambiance of the era.

Rule of Three: (From Saricks, 2009) 

  1. Fast pace. As mentioned above, this work has a very fast pace with lots of action and gunfights. This contributes to the compelling nature of the work that makes it difficult to put down.
  2. Gritty, moody tone. The dark and foreboding feeling of the work is paralleled in the way that L'Amour doesn't pull his punches; our hero doesn't suffer less consequences from negative actions just because he's written sympathetically. The tone compels the reader to investigate further and unravel the tightly-wound plot as it is revealed.
  3. Action-packed, plot-driven storyline. Related to the fast pace, this work is chock-full of action and excitement. There are multiple gunfights, train scenes (complete with bandits) and chase scenes, each of which advances the storyline towards the resolution of the hero's plight.

Similar Works (Read-alikes): 

  • Slaughter of Eagles by William W. Johnstone
    Both of these action-packed Westerns feature gunfighters in search of treasure troves in the Wild West. While Johnstone's work was written some 40 years after The Man Called Noon, it still contains many of the same elements and is a good suggestion for someone looking to venture from classic Westerns to more recently published works.
  • Dorn of the Mountains by Zane Grey
    As a golden age Western writer, Grey's stories mirror L'Amour's in their action and adventure with beautiful descriptions of the terrain and concise, clear writing. In particular, this work features an old-fashioned cowboy saving a damsel from a gang of ne'er-do-wells.
  • The Taming of Jessi Rose by Beverly Jenkins
    Set in the West during the 1800s, Jessi Rose also centers on a female Frontier homesteader and a gunslinging mercenary. However, Jenkins explores the relationship between the characters at more depth than L'Amour did, carrying elements of Westerns into the Romance genre. This work may be spicier than traditional Western fare, and a potential reader should we aware of this fact.
  • Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies: The Real West by David Fisher
    This nonfiction work sheds a light on the real-life events that occurred on America's frontier, separating the facts from the fiction about this iconic period in American history. The amazing artwork helps bring the Wild West to life in this fast-paced, action-packed narrative.
  • Blood and Thunder: An Epic of the American West by Hampton Sides
    While classic Westerns are sometimes problematic in their depiction of women, indigenous peoples, Latinx characters, and other minority groups, Sides here examines the westward expansion of the United States and the forcible subjugation of Native American tribes. This may compel readers interested in the authenticity of traditional Westerns.
  • I Forgot to Remember: A Memoir of Amnesia by Su Meck
    Readers interested in delving deeper into the real-life implications of head trauma and subsequent amnesia may enjoy this chronicle of a twenty-two-year-old woman's freak accident that completely wiped her memory, never to fully heal. 

Saricks, J. (2009). At leisure: The rule of three. Booklist106(3), 25.

Wyatt, N., & Saricks, J. G. (2019). Westerns. In The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction (pp. 149-166).

March 15, 2021

The First Rule of Book Club

Our first book club meeting, March 2019. Photo by Darcie Morris
Just over two years ago, a few of my neighbors mentioned that they'd be interested in starting a book club and asked me to join. As I was just starting my new career as a librarian, I was excited at the prospect and agreed to join in. After a lot of group texts to decide our first read, we set a date to meet up and discuss Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. We've met every month since, with a few exceptions due to holidays or the ongoing pandemic of a certain infectious respiratory virus. 

I've heard tales of book clubs that, despite their best intentions, degrade into (or sometimes even begin as) a designated hour for small talk, socializing, and snacks. In this context, you can imagine my surprise and glee when our first meeting -- and in fact, all subsequent meetings to date -- actually focused on intelligent and thought-provoking discussion of the assigned book. We try to cover a broad range of books, including titles like Pride and Prejudice, The Martian, They Called Us Enemy, A Gentleman in Moscow, and The Light between Oceans. And yes, snacks usually make an appearance. 

Our most recent meeting was a few weeks ago on Friday, February 26, where we discussed The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. As we met in the home of one of our group members, it was stimulating to contemplate the open-ended questions prepared by the discussion leader, diving into the implications and ethics of the characters' actions and dissecting our perceptions of the author's intent. Group members were given ample time to consider and respond meaningfully to the questions posed, and everyone had an opportunity to share their insights. No one stole the show, and no one felt strong-armed into speaking against their will. I learned a lot from my fellow book-clubbers, and I engaged with the text in new ways I hadn't considered before.

Truth be told, this book club is what high school English class should have been: rather than stress-inducing timed essays and cramming SparkNotes the night before a quiz, we have created a place where all are welcome to share their ideas and learn from one another. (Maybe it only works now that we're all out of our teens.)

As the conversation continued, I was able to identify key aspects of the work, like its nonlinear storyline, atmospheric tone, and lush writing style. Interestingly, while these elements were integral to the pleasant experience of some of our group's members, others felt that they had to struggle to enjoy the work despite them.

This experience has helped me realize that our tastes as readers vary: what some relish, others despise. Further exposure to a wide gamut of literature will help me develop my skills as a readers' advisor. There is no one "best book" to recommend because each reader has a different definition of what a "good book" entails. A good readers' advisor will identify more elements than just genre to gauge a reader's interests.

Also, that night we realized that only one of us has ever been to a circus in real-life. My bucket list grew by one. Big top, here I come.

March 11, 2021

Fandoms in Publishing and Readers’ Advisory

Fandoms in Publishing and Readers’ Advisory

Having renewed the Roman Catholic Church with “a new Pentecost,” Pope John XXIII was named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” for 1962, the first pope to receive the title (Time, 1963). Decades later, Pope John Paul II attributed John XXIII with saying, “What unites us is much greater than what divides us” (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001). These words ring true even today, when our nation is fraught with turmoil and unrest. 

What are the things that unite us? For centuries, groups of people have been drawn together by common interest and activities. Derived from fanatic, the word “fan” has been used since the late 19th century to refer to “the devoted observers of, or participants in, a sport” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). However, this term has since expanded to include any “ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit)” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Wikipedia (Fandom, 2021) defines a fandom as “a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of empathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest.” 

Kratos cosplayer at New York Comic Con in 2018.
Photo by Rhododentrites, CC BY-SA 4.0

The word “fandoms” may bring to mind the television series Star Trek and its avid viewers who dress up as Spock and Kirk, attend conventions to meet the creators and actors, or write letters in a campaign to extend the franchise. However, the concept extends backwards in time to those who devoured Sherlock Holmes mysteries over a hundred years ago (Brown, 2009), or those who once fawned over the musical talents of Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, or even Romantic musician Franz Liszt (American Library Association, 2015).

The advent of the Internet cannot be ignored as a catalyst for the formation and promulgation of various fandoms, be it through blogs, fan forums, archives, online communities, or other formats (Romano, 2012). Reid (2018) reports that over 250,000 fans purchased tickets to attend the New York Comic Con in 2018, most of which tickets were purchased online. 

The extensive power of fandoms to unite people bled over from the general zeitgeist of the 21st century into mainstream literature. This essay will discuss the impact of fandoms in recent publishing trends and how this impacts readers’ advisory. It also provides a list of fandom-inspired reading suggestions to help introduce a librarian to the trend, as well as new and future publications to keep an eye out for.

Recent Publishing Trends

While the concept of fandoms extends several decades and even centuries into our past, the influence of fandoms on mainstream publishing is particularly evident in the past decade. In 2013, the publisher St. Martin’s Griffin released Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, in which a girl named Cath navigates not only her transition from high school to college but also her obsession with a fictional character (Rowell, 2013). This depiction of fandom in the real world spawned a number of similar works, particularly in young adult and middle grade fiction.

In 2019, the Marvel Cinematic Universe – which supports a very large fan base – concluded its third phase of motion picture debuts with Avengers: Endgame and Spiderman: Far from Home (Ford & Kit, 2014). The hype has translated into literature with the publication of works that features superheroes in everyday situations; Infinity Son by Adam Silvera and The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune both feature superpowered individuals on alternate Earths where Internet-based fans are suddenly pulled into the action (BookPage, 2020).

Fandoms have the power to connect individuals who otherwise never would have met, and personal information – such as names – is often kept confidential amid online interactions (BookPage, 2020). In her recent work I Kissed Alice, Anna Birch utilizes these aspects of fandoms in the story of two prep school rivals who unknowingly collaborate on an “Alice in Wonderland” webcomic and fall in love (Birch, 2020). There has also been a recent surge of work that feature fans engaging in fandom activities in the real world, such as This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano. This work stars a “muggle Quidditch team,” which consists of “no flying, no magic, just a bunch of scrappy players holding PVC pipe between their legs and throwing dodgeballs” in imitation of the wizarding sport from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series (Meriano, 2020).

It goes without saying that a readers’ advisory librarian should keep abreast of recent publication trends. It is only through a familiarity with new literature that a librarian can keep themselves relevant and informed. A knowledge of recent publishing trends will help both new and existing patrons to develop and deepen their trust in librarians. It can also help reluctant patrons be engaged with new literature and programs that relate to topics they care about. 

Reading Suggestions

A librarian who desires to further understand this trend should read the aforementioned Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This coming-of-age story which heavily features fanfiction was largely without precedent, and it served to kickstart the trend into overdrive. The remainder of the reading suggestions have not been previously named in this essay.

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson (2014): Teenager Kamala Khan dreams of joining the Avengers, but when dream comes true and she’s suddenly empowered with superhuman gifts, she struggles with her identity and her legacy as she tries to help her community. This graphic novel portrays the challenges that arise when a fan is drawn into the world they adore, as well as touching on topics like diversity, culture, and family relationships.

The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love by Sarvenaz Tash (2016): Graham plans to use the upcoming comic book convention to get his lifelong best friend Roxy to fall in love with him, but he soon learns that real-life can be more complicated than fiction. The use of the comic con as a setting and plot device clearly demonstrates the cultural impact that fandoms have had on modern society.

Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky (2016): When four friends sneak into a Manhattan hotel to catch a glimpse of The Ruperts, their favorite boy band, things take a turn for the worse when one of them kidnaps and ties up one of the band members. And when Rupert is killed, things get even worse. Rife with dark, sadistic humor, this book shows the effect of fandoms through the extreme (and here, comically exaggerated) actions of fans.

All the Feels by Danika Stone (2016): When superfan Liv’s favorite character Spartan is killed off in the latest movie installment of Starveil, she launches a campaign to bring him back from the dead. This work offers a view into the inner world of fans, particularly the online venues in which they thrive. It also showcases the influence fans can have on real-life entities like movie producers and writers.

New and Future Publications

What I Like about You by Marisa Kanter (April 2020): After achieving popularity and becoming a couple with web comic author Nash via her Twitter pseudonym, Halle moves to her grandfather’s small town and is shocked to meet Nash in person. She struggles as to when and how to reveal her secret identity to the boy who may have already fallen in love with her alter ego.

Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston (August 2020): This retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” stars a teenage heartthrob who evades a tabloid scandal by fleeing to a small town where he meets a bookish girl in mourning over her mother’s death. 

Spoiler Alert: A Novel by Olivia Dade (October 2020): Despite studio rules, Marcus, the star of a fantasy TV series, writes clandestine fanfiction about his character. When geologist April’s plus-sized cosplay goes viral on social media, Marcus asks her out and soon realizes that she is the fellow fanfiction writer he has befriended online. But how can he reveal the truth to her, and can their online romance survive in the real world?

Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala (January 2021): Winning the upcoming cosplay competition could secure Raffy an admission to art school, not to mention drum up respect for his talent. But things get complicated when he’s paired with his main competitor, ex-boyfriend Luca.

Down with This Ship by Katie Kingman (expected June 2021): Kole tries to keep her superb writing skills anonymous, but when she wins a major contest for her fanfiction and her identity is revealed, she’s thrown into heated ship wars, as well as social drama at school.


For centuries, humans have gravitated towards those who share their common interests. In today’s digital world, our potential to connect with each other has increased exponentially. Fans of almost any topic can find spaces to connect, create, and share with fellow fans. The power of fandoms has impacted mainstream publishing, resulting in several recent publishing trends. A readers’ advisory librarian should keep themselves current with new publications to establish trust with their patrons. An understanding of fandom-inspired literature could also help a library reach new patrons who otherwise may not have interest in library services. For example, a library could further leverage existent interest in science fiction fandoms to host “tournaments or other face-to-face social activities” in pursuit of their goals to be “centers of community and engagement” (American Library Association, 2015).


American Library Association. (2015, September 25). Fandom. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from

Birch, A. (2020). I kissed Alice. Macmillan.

BookPage. (2020, April 21). 9 publishing trends we’re loving right now.

Brown, S. (2009, April 20). Scott Brown on Sherlock Holmes, obsessed nerds, and fan fiction. Wired.

Fandom. (2021, February 18). In Wikipedia.

Ford, R. & Kit, B. (2014, October 28). Marvel reveals complete Phase 3 plans, dates ‘Black Panther,’ ‘Inhumans,’ ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. The Hollywood Reporter.

Libreria Editrice Vaticana. (2001, February 9). Address of John Paul II to the catholic bishops of the Russian Federation on their "Ad Limina" visit.

Meriano, A. (2020). This is how we fly. Philomel Books.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Fan. In dictionary. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from

Reid, C. (2018, October 10). A record 250,000 fans mob New York Comic Con 2018. Publishers Weekly.

Romano, A. (2012, August 7). A beginner’s guide to fandom. Daily Dot. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from

Rowell, R. (2013). Fangirl. St. Martin’s Griffin.

Time. (1963, January 4). Man of the Year. 81(1), 58-62

March 8, 2021

Sea Rose Lane

Sea Rose Lane
by Irene Hannon
Revell, 2016. 362 pages. Gentle Romance
Book #2 in the "Hope Harbor" series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

Settings: Hope Harbor, Oregon (fictional seaside town)

Plot Summary: When high-profile attorney Eric Nash is laid off, he returns to his hometown of Hope Harbor, Oregon, where he finds his father has hired BJ Stevens to help renovate Eric's childhood home into a bed-and-breakfast. BJ's previous relationships have left a sour taste in her mouth, but when the pair team up on a project to benefit the senior citizens of the community, they both end up finding love and hope for the future as they come closer to each other and to God. 

Subject Headings: Christian life, lawyers, architects, men/women relations, homecomings, bed-and-breakfast.

Content Warnings: Suicide attempt, depression. 

Elements of Gentle Reads:

The textbook by Wyatt and Saricks (2019) mentions very little about Gentle Reads. They are mentioned in a list of "types of novels [that] do not constitute genres in and of themselves because they are too amorphous" (p. 194). They are also mentioned specifically as a class of books "that draw from so many genres [that] they cannot be defined as even a subgenre of fiction" (p. xxiv). Therefore, the elements of Gentle Reads listed below are compiled from other sources, as cited. 

  • Little or no sex, violence, or offensive language (April S., 2020?; E. Cataldi, personal communication, March 5, 2021; Redwing Public Library, n.d.).

    This work is ultra-sweet*. The Romance elements are so mild that they wouldn't make even the most old-fashioned, strait-laced, or sensitive reader blush; the characters never advance beyond hugs and kisses. I also counted just one mild expletive throughout the entire work.

    *A quick aside: I like to use the terms "sweet" and "spicy" when describing the sexual content of a work with patrons because it removes any potential judgment that might come from a term like "clean" (with its implied partner "dirty"). Just as we all prefer different kinds of food without one being inherently "better" than another, we can all have different tastes in romantic content without assigning value. Patrons shouldn't feel bashful or shameful when consulting a librarian, and this helps to reduce those negative feelings.

  • Upbeat, sometimes humorous or inspirational (April S., 2020?; E. Cataldi, personal communication, March 5, 2021; League of Extraordinary Librarians, n.d.).

    This book features a heartwarming, uplifting tone. It's sprinkled with humor throughout, but not so much to detract from the storyline. The flawed characters find ways to strengthen their relationships with God and each other. They don't call it Hope Harbor for nothing.

  • Happy ending (E. Cataldi, personal communication, March 5, 2021).

    Without spoiling the ending, all characters arrive at a happy ending, including one that doesn't involve a romantic relationship. In fact, I would say that the primary focus of the novel is how the main characters eventually arrive at their "happily ever after."

  • Typically small-town setting (April S., 2020?).

    Eric's move from the big city stands in contrast to the coziness of small-town life. While the exact population of Hope Harbor isn't mentioned, the tight-knit community lends charm and a sense of place to the work.

  • Often contain Christian elements (E. Cataldi, personal communication, March 5, 2021; Redwing Public Library, n.d.).

    This book contains extensive references to a Christian life and spiritual content, featuring God, prayer, miracles, and Bible scriptures in virtually every mental debate and discussion.

Rule of Three: (From Saricks, 2009) 

  1. Leisurely pace. This work features several passages of introspection and contemplation, as well as extensive internal monologues. Like real-life small towns, Hope Harbor is a relatively quiet place, and this work is wholly devoid of intense action sequences.
  2. Heartwarming tone. Being an inspirational book, the tone lends itself to the hope that can be found through a relationship with deity. While there are bleak moments and problems to be solved, the overall tone is upbeat, optimistic, and atmospheric.
  3. Christian and spiritual elements. The book centers on the religious experiences and lifestyles of the characters and how they incorporate God into their relationships and lives.

Similar Works (Read-alikes): 

April S. (2020?). 7 charming gentle reads. The Blog of Toledo Lucas County Public Library.

League of Extraordinary Librarians. (n.d.). Gentle reads.

Redwing Public Library. (n.d.). Gentle reads.

Saricks, J. (2009). At leisure: The rule of three. Booklist106(3), 25.

Wyatt, N., & Saricks, J. G. (2019). The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction. ALA Editions.

March 3, 2021

Book Controversies

Photo credit: Steven Senne, Associated Press
"Six Dr. Seuss books — including And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street and If I Ran the Zoo — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery," reports the Associated Press. Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the organization that owns the rights to all of Geisel's works, told the AP that "[t]hese books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong," and "[c]easing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises' catalog represents and supports all communities and families."

The AP also reports, "Dr. Seuss is adored by millions around the world for the positive values in many of his works, including environmentalism and tolerance, but criticism has grown in recent years over the way Blacks, Asians and others are drawn in some of his most beloved children’s books."

The following titles are being discontinued: And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot’s Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, and The Cat’s Quizzer. These works portray racial minorities as crude caricatures and offensive stereotypes, as well as using derogatory language to describe them.

As we all are, Theodor Geisel was a product of his time, and the books in question were published between 1930 and 1960. In a culture that is all too happy to "cancel" an individual and let their mistakes define their legacy, Dr. Seuss Enterprises has very astutely recognized the problematic nature of some of these books and discontinued their publication without waiting for a huge public outcry. This responsible action helps the organization ensure that their products are enjoyable for all kinds of families, and their decision to consider criticism and adjust accordingly should be applauded.

In addition to well-beloved classics, libraries provide patrons exposure to new and differing points of view, such as authors and illustrators of color. Perhaps this way, families with children can be exposed to wide treasure trove of books written in the 70 years since Dr. Seuss's controversial and problematic works debuted. Despite the fact that I was raised with Dr. Seuss books, I recognize the need to create a library atmosphere that welcomes and respects everyone.

(Also, check out Stephen Colbert's praise of Dr. Seuss Enterprises's decision.)

Cold Storage

Cold Storage
by David Koepp
Harper, 2019. 308 pages. Sci-Fi

Settings: Kiwirrkurra, Australia in December 1987; Eastern Kansas in March 2019 (near the Missouri River, probably circa Kansas City)

Plot Summary: In 1987, Pentagram operative Roberto Diaz was dispatched to rural Australia to investigate a suspected act of biological terrorism. However, what he discovered was Cordyceps novus, a highly mutative, sentient fungus that seeks out humans for nourishment and breeding grounds. This threat to all lifeforms on the planet was safely contained and placed in a cold storage unit beneath a former military repository in Kansas. That is, until things started warming up some 30 years later. Pulled out of retirement to handle this emergency, Diaz must team up with two unsuspecting security guards to stop this contagion from destroying all life on Earth.

Subject Headings: Epidemics, mycology, mutation (biology), biological terrorism, government investigations, microbiology, retired individuals.

Elements of Science Fiction: (From Wyatt & Saricks, 2019, p. 94)

  • Explores ethical, moral, philosophical, or other question in a setting outside everyday reality. This work ventures beyond the confines of our typical life experiences by introducing a sentient fungus on track to eliminate all human life. While a real-life fungus probably cannot exhibit motivation, complex analysis, and abstract thought, perhaps this serves as an analogy to discuss the idea of something out there that is lurking and lying in wait for us.
  • Setting evokes the otherness of time, place, and reality. The location of the storage unit deep underground and in a former military installation imparts a sense of otherness and unfamiliarity to the work. Also, the otherness of the reality in which the story occurs is revealing to its purpose as a work, and it helps transport the reader to another setting as they read.
  • Style and language suit the storyline and reinforce the intellectual nature of the genre. The descriptions of the origin, adaptation, and proliferation of the fungus use a jargon specific to mycology and microbiology. This helps the reader feel immersed in the intellectual tone of the book.  
  • Wide range of tones to disorient readers and highlight issues. The use of darkly humorous dialogue (such as Roberto's commentary of the physical limitations that prevent him from being a hero at age 68) and chilling, dark tones (such as the description of the mutant rat found in the underground storage unit, or the various scenes where human chest cavities erupt to spread fungal spores) provide contrast and help to emphasize the message of the work, forcing the reader to "grapple... with the responsibilities and consequences of exploration" (p. 94).
  • Characters underscore issues and atmosphere; creatures emphasize otherness. The development of Roberto, Teacake, and Naomi takes a backseat to the general feeling of the book, as well as the issues that are discussed. The depictions of the fungus's mechanical, utilitarian thoughts sharply contrast the emotional, often vulgar outbursts of the human characters.
  • Focus drives the pacing. Since this work is focused more on adventure elements and physical action than on ideas and philosophies, the work unfolds at a rapid pace. However, passages that explore the psychological or biological processes at work in the fungus do provide a somewhat more leisurely pace.
It's worth noting here that Cold Storage also contains several elements from other genres, such as Horror and Thriller. However, it primarily revolves around science fiction elements, and it holds the genre characteristics of Science Fiction. 

Rule of Three: (From Saricks, 2009) 

  1. Fast pace. Born from the work's focus on adventure elements and non-stop action, the pace of the book is quite fast, with a slowdown during somewhat jargon-laden passages that discuss the scientific side of what's going on.
  2. Suspenseful tone. The psychological unease that comes from knowing what the characters don't blossoms into a very suspenseful story. This is broken up at times with mild humor, but the overall tone is suspenseful.
  3. Compelling writing style. The reader feels drawn into the rich, textured story, and it's a hard book to put down.

Similar Works (Read-alikes): 

  • The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
    Both of these suspenseful sci-fi works by American author-screenwriters focus on a microorganism that endangers the human race and threatens a pandemic apocalypse. These fast-paced and plot-driven works use this scenario to explore the social concerns of their time.
  • Red Hands by Christopher Golden
    In both of these action-packed sci-fi stories of suspense, a retired expert is asked to assist the government in its battle against a mysterious contagion on American soil. Red Hands features a bioweapon that has renders its victim unable to touch anyone without killing them instantly.
  • Frozen Solid by James M. Tabor
    These suspenseful, plot-driven works focus on the prevention of mass annihilation and a pandemic apocalypse while creating a sense of suspense. Whereas Koepp's contagion is a mutated fungus, Tabor's work features a group of scientists who plot to release a virus to end overpopulation.
  • The Next Pandemic: On the Front Lines against Humankind's Gravest Dangers by Ali S. Khan
    Khan, a former director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) uses a fast-paced and somewhat disturbing tone to discuss his thoughts on the where, when, and how of Earth's next major disease outbreak in this richly detailed work. (Published in 2016, its foreshadowing of the Covid-19 pandemic is haunting in its accuracy.) 
  • Mr. Bloomfield's Orchard: The Mysterious World of Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycologists by Nicholas P. Money
    For the reader compelled by Koepp's antagonist and the passages that explore their biology and physiology, Money reveals secrets and mysteries about real-life fungi (including brewer's yeast, Penicillium, and the poisonous death cap) and how they have shaped the history of the world.
  • The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by Douglas J. Preston
    While the subject matter of these works may vary, fans of Koepp's action-packed storyline and suspenseful tone may also enjoy Preston's high-octane chronicle of his real-life expedition in search of a fabled lost city deep in the Honduran jungle.

Saricks, J. (2009). At leisure: The rule of three. Booklist106(3), 25.

Wyatt, N., & Saricks, J. G. (2019). Science Fiction. In The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction (pp. 93-118).